Sending out your short story

Wed, 28 Nov 2007 16:27:02 +0000 Newburyport nude, 2007, pencil on brown paper sack, A lot has been written about how to get your short stories out to literary magazines, how to polish the stories for final version, how to find mags, how to write a query. Because over the past two weeks I've had the honor of helping two clients polish a story/essay, write queries, find literary journals, and…

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A web presence for your writing

Tue, 11 Dec 2007 16:16:45 +0000 Mystical sole, collage on board, caroline allen, 2005 I want to ask my writing clients, and all the writers I've worked with, and anyone out there reading this who is a writer, I want to ask each of you a question: Do you need your own writing website? Is it time? Sometimes it can be extremely helpful to put a presence out there, and even…

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Writing in the dark

Wed, 16 Jan 2008 15:28:54 +0000 Child, acrylic on paper, 2005, I'm a writing coach, and a professional tarot reader on the side. The energy I use to channel spirit while reading the cards is the same energy that feeds my characters in fiction and helps me express myself in visual art. Recently I did a tarot reading for a writing client, and at one point the reading said: the…

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Short vs Long Writing

Sun, 20 Jan 2008 22:16:48 +0000 Girl, charcoal on paper, 2007, In one week of working with writing clients and in my own writing, I came across the following theme three distinct times (usually a sign that a blog needs to be written about it): the differences between writing an essay or short story and writing a novel. Often times for writers, a novel will begin with a short story,…

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Grad School?

Thu, 24 Jan 2008 21:39:46 +0000 nudes with violin, acrylic on canvas, 2006, In 2000/2001, I chose not to go to grad school for creative writing. I was accepted into the University of Washington's Creative Writing program in Seattle. I think there were more than a thousand applications and only six people were chosen. So, it was obviously an honor. Why I chose not to go, and how any writer…

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Feeling stuck?

Fri, 08 Feb 2008 15:40:36 +0000 Boy without balloon, acrylic on board, Are you a writer who has always wanted to write, and in fact, did have luck in creative writing courses in high school or college, but you haven't written in years? Your passion to write and inability to do so cause you more than a little despair. Your inability to just do it makes you deeply upset with…

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