Metaphysical Coaching
Empowering women to own their power is my passion, whether I do this as a book coach or metaphysical coach, via Zoom calls or in person, or in workshops. For the first time, I’m opening up my private art studio yurt to offer creative healing sessions. The yurt is 38 miles southeast of Portland, OR. I use tarot, shamanism, Reiki and other alternative modalities to help you heal, shift, and grow.
Online sessions
I’ve been doing remote sessions using tarot for about two decades. I’m passionate about using my psychic gifts, healing energies, and creative power to help you break through blocks and become the empowered, creative woman you were meant to be. Please contact me for pricing and to schedule your one-hour telephone, Skype, or Zoom session.
Online sessions
I’ve been doing remote sessions using tarot for about two decades. I’m passionate about using my psychic gifts, healing energies, and creative power to help you break through blocks and become the empowered, creative woman you were meant to be. Please contact me for pricing and to schedule your one-hour telephone, Skype, or Zoom session.
In-Person Sessions and Workshops
My yurt is a special place, full of creative and spiritual energy. Besides writing my award-winning novels in the space, I’ve also spent hours painting and creating visual art. I’ve spent my entire adult life breaking through the blocks that stop me from full creative expression of myself. I’m passionate about helping others do the same – not just using my own experience, but engaging my metaphysical healing gifts as well.
Workshops will be coming soon. We’ll explore manifesting creative desires, understanding core values, and breaking through blocks using meditation, art, writing, tarot and much more. Watch this space for more information.
What will a session in the yurt look like? First, if you’re seeking a pristine, organized and clean space, please look elsewhere. A bumpy gravel driveway, a walk in mud and dirt through the woods, a space covered in dried paint spatters and art work in progress—this is the yurt experience.
We’ll spend 15 minutes at a table with the tarot to ask what you most need to know, then move to the altar for a ritual and to a recliner for shamanic and/or energy work. The space, the field upon which the yurt was built, the nearby woods, the big skies – all of these provide a level of healing that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Contact me for pricing and to set your session.